停车场专用控制器:专为停车场系统自主研制,四层板设计,信号和电源分层走线,集成度高、可靠性强,功能全面,接口丰富,电压适应范围大,防脉冲冲击,确保使用的安全性和可靠性,全表面贴片工艺生产,三防处理保护线路板免受坏境的侵蚀,非常适合停车场的使用环境。支持各种RS485/非接触式ID、IC卡读卡机,远距离有源、无源卡读卡机,兼容性强,可与市场上各种道闸配合使用。一块板可控制一进一出,减少布线和施工难度自带设定键盘和LCD显示,可独立设定运行控制参数,既可脱机又可联网运行。在脱机状态无需对电脑和网络的依赖,可对保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 卡片授权、挂失、查询、进行时间设置等管理。在连机状态,通过管理软件,实现实时监控、收费、报表等综合管理RS485联网,最远距离可达1500m,最多99台控制器联网管理
Special controller for parking lot: it is independently developed for
parking lot system, with four-layer board design, layered signal and
power supply routing, high integration, strong reliability,
comprehensive functions, rich interfaces, wide range of voltage
adaptation, pulse impact resistance, To ensure the safety and
reliability of the use, the whole surface mounting process production,
three prevention treatment to protect the circuit board from
environmental erosion, is very suitable for the use of the parking lot
environment. It supports all kinds of RS485 / contactless ID and IC card
readers, remote active and passive card readers, with strong
compatibility, and can be used with all kinds of gates on the market.
One board can control one in and one out to reduce the difficulty of
wiring and construction. It has its own set keyboard and LCD display. It
can independently set the operation control parameters, which can be
operated offline or online. In the offline state, there is no need to
rely on computers and networks, and card authorization, loss reporting,
query, time setting and other management can be performed. In the
connected state, through the management software, realize the real-time
monitoring, charging, reporting and other integrated management RS485
networking, with the longest distance u